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April 10th, 2017

We're offering free SEO Audits - Let's Talk Success!

Strategy, Evaluation, Optimization

SEO Audit - EvenVision Style

To celebrate Spring, EvenVision is conducting free Search Engine Optimization (SEO) audits for all of our clients. 2016 was an incredible year in web development, and as usual a lot has changed. We want to make sure that our clients are armed with the latest knowledge to help their websites be a success. 

For those of you unfamiliar with SEO, we will be checking out your standings with prominent search engines like Google to see where you appear on their ranking, in addition to evaluating your site to identify any key improvements that you may want to make.

The audits will address the following in detail:

  • Information Architecture
  • Responsive Design
  • On-site SEO
  • Site Speed
These audits have been structured to be as simple and painless as possible for you. After an audit has been completed we would be happy to do a quick chat and provide you actionable feedback. We firmly believe that even a basic audit can provide marked improvements. 

For additional information we've written an EvenVision Insight, which outlines in more details the specifics of what we will be looking for in our audit. 

EvenVision Insight - SEO Audit

We recommend that everyone takes a close look at the basic SEO audit. But for those of you wanting to maximize your website we are also offering a more comprehensive review of your site's SEO by looking at the following elements:

  • User Friendliness
  • Content Relevance
  • Authority
  • Social Proof
  • Brand Strategy
Once again more details on these particular elements have been addressed in our insight on SEO. 
Want a free Audit? Contact us!
We've have additional insights on about SEO. Here are a few for you to checkout!
Header Image for EvenVision Blo Post - What is SEO?

What is SEO?

When somebody uses a search engine, roughly 50% will click on one of the top three organic (non-paid) results. Of that, the top result will get 31% of the clicks. Clearly, ranking near the top of page is huge. But how do you increase your standing in search results? A key component of this is Search Engine Optimization.
Header Image for EvenVision Blo Post - What Are Citations, and why do they matter?

What Are Citations, And Why Do They Matter?

Citations are one of the most important factors in determining a web page’s local search engine ranking, and one of the most overlooked. If you are having trouble getting your business page to move up the rankings, improving the number of citations associated with your site should be one of the first steps you take to improve your site’s local Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Header Image for EvenVision Blo Post - The Importance of Visual Content

The Importance of Visual Content

It’s safe to say that in 2016, the internet runs on visual content. YouTube and Instagram are the two biggest traffic drivers worldwide, with Pinterest not far behind at number four. In 2012, YouTube averaged more than 4 billion daily views; since then, the number of people watching the site daily increased by at least 50% every year for three years straight. By November 2015, the site was averaging 8 billion views, every single day.

Check out EvenVision Insights

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We believe in the power of beneficial long-lasting relationships. We love to stay connected, stay involved, and share ideas. When you succeed, we succeed.  

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EvenVision crafts custom digital solutions, designs, builds & measures successes & experiences that hundreds of thousands love to use. We work with clients of all shapes and sizes, from around Northern California and beyond to solve their challenges and connect them to a beautiful digital world.
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